lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

El enigmático trabalenguas de los héroes y los villanos

It’s not about good people or bad people, because most people can sometimes be good or bad and other times be better than when they were bad or worse than when they were good thanks to, or due to, their people nature, and naturally always depending in whether the judge’s perspective is good or bad. It’s all actually about the interest of the existent, which is part of the universe in where it exists, and coinciding with the interests of all the other existing parts in that universe this interest is to maintain the existence of the stated universe parallel to the course of the particular existent’s existence, because any alteration of the parallelism of the courses would be a conflict for the existence of the universe and its existent parts by jeopardizing their collective existence. So the key, to being good for the interest of our existence without being bad for the possible existing interests of the others, is to always have in mind that in the end we all have the same interest about to exist or not to exist, which is no question it’s just the course of what you naturally and unwittingly choose to want. Now, what do you want? That’s a totally different question.

1 comentario:

Coach ATM dijo...

What do I want?
What do I want??
I want the imposible: to exist in the existence of certain others who I would want they want to exist in my existence.
Am I wanting too much?
... yes I am. I know.